How do I join

Just show up to one of our classes. If you want to start training right away come early to fill out the paperwork and jump right in. You can also come and watch us train and sign up after.

How many classes are there per month?

We have class every Wednesday evening.

How much do classes cost?

Classes are $80 per month and includes full gym membership.

Where are classes held?

Superheroes Gym and Nutrition

2422 Freedom Drive, Suite B

San Antonio, Texas 78217

What do I wear/ bring to class?

Comfortable workout clothes to begin and down the road, protective gear such as gloves and body pads. We will advise you on what to purchase. It is also advisable to bring plenty of fluids.

Do I need my own practice weapons?

For your first class we will have weapons to loan you. The first weapons you will need to buy are escrima sticks also known as bastons. We have them for $10 per pair and will need to be replaced every so often depending on how much you train. After that it is advisable to buy your own training weapons as you progress and your skills grow. Again we will advise you on what items to purchase.

Do you do competitions

YES! We compete all over the country and encourage all of our students to test their skills against other Escrimadors. In addition we hold our own Alamo City Stick Fighting Championship and help host other tournaments throughout Texas.